3rdworld congress of Mild Approaches in Assisted Reproduction July 30-31, 2010 YOKHOAMA
WARM Male Infertility New Advance Roma 24/27 Giugno 2010
Poor ovarian response ESHRE Campus Bologna 19-20 Marzo 2010
XXV Convegno “Medicina della Riproduzione” Abano Terme 26-27 Febbraio 2010
Convegno “L’Andrologo e il laboratorio di PMA” 10 Ottobre 2008 Abano Terme – Padova
21st Annual Meeting of ESHRE Copenhagen – Danimarca 19 to 22 June 2005
The Second World Congress on Mild Approaches in Assisted Reproduction Embracing Natural, Mild IVF and IVM with diploma Course in Advanced Ultrasound in Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine 10th, 11th and 12th April 2008 at the Queen Elisabeth II Conference Centre, Westminster, London, UK
XIX Congresso Nazionale Siumb Roma Cavalieri Hilton 17/20 Novembre 2007
23rd Annual Meeting of ESHRE Lyon France 1-4 Luglio 2007
3rd W.A.R.M. Congress “In Vitro Embryology New Trends in Reproductive Medicine” Roma 27 Settembre – 1 Ottobre 2006
22rd Annual Meeting of ESHRE Prague – Repubblica Ceca 18 to 21 June 2006
21st Annual Meeting of ESHRE Copenhagen – Danimarca 19 to 22 June 2005
Meeting della Unità Funzionale Di Ostetricia e Ginecologia alla Casa di Cura Santa Famiglia con presentazione della relazione “Trombofilia e Gravidanza” 14.12.2004
20th Annual Meeting of ESHRE Berlin – Germania 27 to 30 June 2004
2° Congresso W.A.R.M. – Roma 6 -9 Maggio 2004 “Gametes And Alternatives: New Challenges in Reproductive Technologies”.
5th International Malpigli Symposium – Roma 11-13 Settembre 2003
19th Annual Meeting ESHRE 2003 Madrid – Spagna 29 Giugno – 2 Luglio 2003
Partecipazione 78° congresso Nazionale SIGO, 43° Congresso AOGOI e 10° Congresso AGUI – Perugia 09/13 Novembre 2002 Bastia Umbra – Umbriafiere “Problemi Clinici e Sociali fra passato e futuro”
Partecipazione al Convegno “L’Allattamento materno nel percorso nascita” – Roma 10 Luglio 2002 presso il CNR
ESHRE WORKSHOP – “The Utero Tubal Factors of Infertility” Montegridolfo 21-22 Giugno 2002
1 St. World Congress di W.A.R.M. – World Association of Reproductive Medicine: “New Advances in Reproductive Technologies and Genetics Forum on Therapeutic Reproductive Cloning, 19-22 Maggio 2002 Sabaudia – Roma
GnRH-antagonists: from basic science to clinical application. ESHRE Campus Workshop Lűbeck, Germany 18th – 20th January 2002
“Biologia e Femminilità” – 77° Congresso della Società Italiana di Ginecologia e Ostetricia Roma 21-24 ottobre 2001
Simposio “Menopausa donna e benessere” -SIMR: Società Italiana Medicina della Riproduzione – Roma 6 aprile 2001
“La stimolazione follicolare multipla alla portata dei ginecologi e la clonazione umana” SIMR – Società Italiana Medicina della Riproduzione – Roma 16 dicembre 2000
2nd World Conference of the A PART, Budapest, Hungary September 14-17, 2000
“Decime giornate sarde di Ostetricia e Ginecologia” Cagliari, 19-24 giugno 2000
“Decime giornate sarde di Ostetricia e Ginecologia” Cagliari, 19-24 giugno 2000
Vitro Fertilization and Human Reproductive Genetics Sydney, Australia 9-14 May, 1999
1st World Conference of the A PART, Venice, Italy, March 13-18, 1999
14th Annual meeting of the ESHRE Svenska mässan, Göteborg, Sweden 21-24 June 1998
Workshop on ICSI and Azoospermia European Hospital of Rome, Italy 25-26 April, 1997
10th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization & Assisted Reproduction May 24-28, 1997 Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Pratical Training on ICSI and the Symposium on ICSI and Laser Assisted Hatching R.A.P.R.U.I. Rome, Italy 22-24 September, 1997
5th International Congress on Advances in Assisted Reproduction Technologies In the Year 2000 Rome , Italy 16-19 September 1997
13th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) Edimburgh, Scotland, June 22-25, 1997
10thWorld Congress on in vitro fertilization & Assisted Reproduction Vancouver, Canada May 24-28, 1997
“Advances in Assisted Reproduction Technologies in the year 2000” 5th International Congress (in qualità di Segretario Scientifico) Roma, 16-19 September 1997
“Humans May Be Easier, Safer and More Effective to Clone than Animals because of a Single Gentic Difference” GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND FERTILITY – S. Antinori, M. Antinori, F. Cerusico, C. Versaci ; by Jaypee Brothers Medical Pubblishers ( P ) Ltd Emca House – New Defhi INDIA 2005.
“L’utilizzo del progesterone nella fecondazione assistita: confronto tra due vie di somministrazione” CIC Edizioni Internazionali, SIGO VOL. II 2001
“I Fitoestrogeni: classificazione, meccanismo d’azione, uso terapeutico Nostro confronto” CIC Edizioni Internazionali, SIGO VOL. II 2001
“Studio di confronto tra terapia con fitoestrogeni o hrt su alcuni sintomi della menopausa” CIC Edizioni Internazionali MENOPAUSA 2001
“Obstretic and prenatal outcome in menopausal women: a 12 yars clinical study” REPRODUCTIVE BIOMEDICINE ONLINE Vol 6 – N° 2. P 113 – 114 S. Antinori – C. Versaci – F. Cerusico – L. Dani – M. Antinori – C. Panci – N. Nauman – GH Gholami RAPRUI Rome Italy 11 Dicembre 2002.
“Obstetric and prenatal outcome in 1150 menopausal women during a 12 year clinical study “ – RBM Online 24 June 2002
“Experience With the Uv non Contact Laser in Assisted Hatching in Human” 5th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ADVANCES IN ASSISTED REPRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE YEAR 2000 – R.A.P.R.U.I. Roma, 16-19 settembre 1997
“The Use of Fresh and Frozen-Thawed Immature Sperm Cells for ICSI” 5th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ADVANCES IN ASSISTED REPRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE YEAR 2000 – R.A.P.R.U.I. Roma, 16-19 settembre 1997
“Use of Progesteron in Helped Fecondation: Comparison Between two Administration Way” 9TH WORLD CONGRESS OF GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY Hong Kong, 2001
17th WORLD CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL MELBOURNE EXHIBITION & CONVENTION CENTRE “The Gonadotrophins in the Ovarian stimolation” Melbourne, Australia , 2001
“Correlazione analitica tra mineralometria a raggi x(DEXA) e ultrasonometria (QUS) alle falangi della mano” 1° CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DELL’OSTEOPOROSI, DEL METABOLISMO MINERALE E DELLE MALATTIE DELLO SCHELETRO Milano, Italy 2001
“Fine needle aspiration is as effective as open biopsy in obstructive azoospermia patients” AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE,Toronto Canada 1999 ASRM OFFICIAL JOURNAL ABSTRACT BOOK
“Laser assisted hatching the extremes of the IVF spectrum: first cycle and after 6 cycles. A randomized prospective trial” AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE, Toronto, Canada 1999 ABSTRACT BOOK ASRM
“Adding a recombinant regulator protein to a culture medium increases the IV grade embryos rate and the blastocystis stage. ESHRE 99: Tours, France 1999 HUMAN REPRODUCTION ABSTRACT BOOK – ESHRE 99
“Deletion analysis of the long arm of the Y chromosome in male infertility”. ESHRE 99: Tours, France 1999 HUMAN REPRODUCTION ABSTRACT BOOK – ESHRE 99
“Nursing assistance to patients affected by ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome” (medium level). ESHRE 99: Tours, France 1999 HUMAN REPRODUCTION ABSTRACT BOOK – ESHRE 99
“Latent and evident anxiety levels evaluation in women on the day of oocyte retrieval, before pick-up”. A pilot study. ESHRE 99: Tours, France 1999 HUMAN REPRODUCTION ABSTRACT BOOK – ESHRE 99
“Laser assisted hatching at the extremes of the IVF spectrum: first cycle and after 6 cycles, a randomized prospective trial” ESHRE 99: Tours, France 1999 HUMAN REPRODUCTION ABSTRACT BOOK – ESHRE 98
“Embryo transfer 24 hr after zona opening assisted hatching improve implatation and pregnancy rates” ESHRE 98: Goteborg, Sweden 1998 HUMAN REPRODUCTION ABSTRACT BOOK – ESHRE 98
“Testicular sperm cell recovery: efficiency of the fine needle testicular sperm aspiration (TESA)” ESHRE 98: Goteborg, Sweden 1998 HUMAN REPRODUCTION ABSTRACT BOOK – ESHRE 98
“Pregnancies after sperm injection into cryopreserved human oocytes” ESHRE 98: Goteborg, Sweden 1998HUMAN REPRODUCTION ABSTRACT BOOK ESHRE 98
“A predictive method to achieve pregnancy in recipientes undergoing an egg donation program”. ESHRE 98: Goteborg, Sweden 1998 HUMAN REPRODUCTION ABSTRACT BOOK – ESHRE 98
“Successful delivery after injection of frozen-thawed round spermatidis into human oocytes”: ESHRE 98: Goteborg, Sweden 1998 HUMAN REPRODUCTION ABSTRACT BOOK ESHRE 98
“Experience with the uv non contact laser in asssisted hatching in human” – 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON “ADVANCES IN ASSISTED REPRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE YEAR 2000” : Rome, Italy 2000 ABSTRACT BOOK 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS – SIMR
“Nursing assistance to patients affected by ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (medium level) ESHRE 99: Tours, France 1999 HUMAN REPRODUCTION ABSTRACT BOOK ESHRE 99
“Use f a Rnase inhibitor to a culture medium increases the IV grade embryos rate and the blastocystis stage” SECOND WORLD CONFERENCE OF A PART, Budapest, Hungary 2000: JOURNAL ASSISTED GENETICS ABSTRACTS SEPT. 2000
Defense mechanism rating scale In childless women with and without female infertility – A Pilot Study” SECOND WORLD CONFERENCE OF A PART: Budapest, Hungary September 2000: JOURNAL ASSISTED GENETICS – ABSTRACTS SEPT. 2000